Supervised Outsourcing of Remote Developers

Supervised outsourcing

What is Supervised Outsourcing?

Supervised Outsourcing is a monthly subscription service offered by QualitApps to allow companies to outsource highly skilled remote developers and experts in state-of-the-art technologies. With this service, companies can save on staff hiring and training costs and have access to a team of quality developers that adapts to their specific needs.

The developers are managed by our clients directly, but we have a team of Tech-Leads and Account Managers who oversee that the service and quality are excellent.

The new way to increase your development team

Software engineers with 3+ years of experience

01. Supervised outsourcing

We provide you with developers that integrate with your team. You manage them and we supervise them.

02. Support

Developers benefit from the knowledge and experience of our Tech-Leads and specialists.

03. Diversity

We can cover all stages of the software creation process: Analysis, UI/UX, Quality Assurance, Test automation, Project Management, DevOps…

04. Methodology

The engineering team follows the ISO15504/12207 certification, ensuring the quality of the software development cycle under agile methodologies and DevOps tools.

Experienced in a wide range of technologies

Tecnologies backend frontend


Recruitment time

From 1 to 3 months

Recruitment Commission

Annual % of payroll



Pre-validation of skills


Profile type

According to market

Commitment to permanence

According to the general scheme

Vacation and sick leave

Yes, at company cost

From 50.000€ / Annual cost

Recruitment time

< 1 month

Recruitment Commission



1 month trial period

Pre-validation of skills

Yes, internal period of 30 days

Profile type


Commitment to permanence

Optional, according to contract

Vacation and sick leave

Pay only for the number of days worked

From 30.000€ / Annual cost

Some data on Outsourcing in Spain

Outsourcing growth


The global outsourcing market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 4.4% between 2021 and 2026.

Companies that outsource


50% of Spanish companies outsource services

Developers hired by foreign companies


31.6% of Spanish developers work for foreign companies

Companies having difficulty finding developers


40% of Spanish companies find it difficult to find developers with the necessary skills

Demand for developers

Worldwide demand for developers is expected to grow at a compound annual rate of 7%.

Positions Un-filled


10% of software developing jobs in Spain go unfilled due to lack of candidates with the necessary skills

Difference between demand and supply


The developing skills gap, which is the difference between the demand and supply of developers, is expected to grow at a compound annual rate of 3%.

Remote developers


40% of developers in Spain work remotely / In Spain, 40% of developers work remotely

Frequently Asked Questions about Supervised Outsourcing

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions we receive about our monthly remote outsourcing developer subscription service:

At QualitApps, we work exclusively with highly trained remote developers and experts in state-of-the-art technologies. Our supervision team, integrated by Tech-Leads and Account Managers, works closely with them to guarantee the quality of the final product.

We implement rigorous manual and automatic review processes to ensure the quality of the developed code. And thanks to the continuous supervision of our team, we can guarantee that our service is of the highest quality.

At QualitApps, we ensure that communication and collaboration between our team and remote developers is always effective. We use remote collaboration tools and methodologies that ensure clear and fluid communication at all times.

In addition, we establish continuous and transparent communication with our clients to ensure that they are informed about the progress of the project and can provide real-time feedback.

At QualitApps, we take the security and privacy of our clients’ data very seriously. We always work responsibly and ethically to ensure the confidentiality and security of the information we handle.

In the case of outsourcing services, we do not work with our own servers, but connect to the client’s servers. In this sense, we take security measures to ensure that the sensitive data we handle is protected on the client’s servers.

In addition, our confidentiality agreements and terms of service ensure the protection of our customers’ intellectual property and other sensitive data.

Blog of Supervised Outsourcing

If you would like to know more about our services, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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