Cloud Computing Services

Cloud computing

What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud Computing is a model for delivering IT services over the internet, where an organisation can leverage computing resources such as servers, storage, networks and software, without having to maintain its own infrastructure.

At QualitApps we offer installation and maintenance services for cloud systems and local servers (SysOps), as well as planning and implementing migrations from local servers to the cloud.

Cloud Computing Services

We work with Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS and Google Cloud.

01. IaaS configuration service

We help set up cloud infrastructure, such as servers and storage, according to the user’s needs.

02. Migration to the Cloud

We move an organisation’s applications and systems to the cloud.

03. SysOps

We manage the operation of IT systems in your organisation, such as the administration of servers, operating systems, networks and applications.

04. Dockers

Configuring Docker containers in a cloud computing environment.

05. Security audits

We perform security audits of your cloud computing environment to identify potential vulnerabilities and recommend solutions to improve security.

Cloud migration and administration (SysOps)

Cloud Migration and Administration (SysOps)

Advantages of moving to the Cloud

Business Agility


Companies migrating to the cloud can increase business agility by 40%.

Infrastructure costs


An IDC study revealed that companies that migrated to the cloud reduced their infrastructure costs by 30-40%.



Companies that migrate their applications and workloads to the cloud experience a reduction in downtime of 90% on average.

Security incidents


Organisations using the public cloud experience 20% fewer security incidents than those using on-premises infrastructures.

Frequently Asked Questions about Cloud Computing

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions we receive about our Cloud Computing service, including cloud migration and SysOps.

Cloud Computing is important because it allows:

  1. Cost reductions in infrastructure and hardware costs.
  2. To improve system scalability and flexibility.
  3. To ensure data security and privacy.

Some of the main benefits of migrating to the Cloud include:

  1. Scalability: the ability to rapidly scale infrastructure resources up or down based on business needs.
  2. Flexibility: the ability to access infrastructure resources from anywhere at any time.
  3. Cost savings: the ability to reduce infrastructure and personnel costs by not having to maintain and upgrade infrastructure on-site.
  4. Business continuity: the ability to maintain business operations in the event of disruptions or disasters by replicating data and systems across multiple geographic locations.

At QualitApps, we focus on quality, innovation and customer satisfaction. By choosing our Cloud Computing services you can expect the following:

  1. Team of highly skilled and experienced systems engineers.
  2. Experience in Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud.
  3. Focus on customer satisfaction and close collaboration.

Blog of Cloud Computing

If you would like to know more about our services, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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