Quality Assurance Automation

Quality Assurance Automation

What is Quality Assurance Automation?

Quality Assurance (QA) is ensuring that a product or service meets quality standards through the planning, execution and monitoring of tests. QA automation is using tools to make it faster and more efficient.

At QualitApps, we offer QA engineering services to test test-cases manually or automated according to the needs of the project.

Quality Assurance Services

We automate with Selenium or Cypress

01. Manual testing

Planning, design and execution of test cases. Result reporting and retesting.

02. Test case automation

Creation and programming of scripts necessary to automate tests and generate detailed reports of the results.

03. Compatibility testing

Execution of tests to ensure that the software works correctly on different devices with different operating systems, screen sizes and resolutions.

04. Performance and load testing

Automatic execution of tests to assess the software’s ability to handle stressful situations and to identify potential bottlenecks and performance problems.

Stages of Quality Assurance Automation


Automation tools
Selecting Tools and Defining the Scope of the Automation

The most appropriate test automation tool for the project is chosen, such as Selenium, Cypress and Appium, among others. Simultaneously, the testing needs of the company are identified and it is determined how they can be automated with the selected tool.


Test Planning and Design
Test Planning and Design
Test Planning and Design

Test cases for automation are defined and planned. This process describes how the tests are to be performed and the test techniques specified in the test strategy or test plan are used.


Test Automation Development
Test Automation Development
Test Automation Development

In this stage the test automation scripts are designed and developed. This includes the implementation of the test cases in the environment of the selected automation tool.


Execution of Automated Tests
Execution of Automated Tests
Execution of Automated Test Scripts

Test scripts are executed in a controlled environment. The results are then reviewed and validated to ensure that they work as expected.


Results report
Results report
Test Results

This step involves the collection and presentation of test results in a report that assesses the quality of the software product.


Automated Test Maintenance
Automated Test Maintenance

Automated tests are regularly maintained and updated to adapt to changes in the software and ensure that they continue to provide accurate and relevant results.

Benefits of Quality Assurance

Error Reduction

National Institute of Standards and Technology

Quality Assurance can reduce product defects by up to 60%.

Cost savings

National Institute of Standards and Technology

Addressing defects early through Quality Assurance can reduce the cost of correcting defects by a factor of ten or more.

Client satisfaction

American Society for Quality

Implementing a Quality Assurance process can increase customer satisfaction by 33%.

Cost of legal non-compliance


In Spain, non-compliance can cost companies up to 2.65% of their annual revenues in fines and penalties.

Advantages of automating Quality Assurance



Automated tests can be up to 20 times faster than manual tests.

Error Reduction


Automated testing can reduce testing errors by up to 50%.

Cost savings


Automated testing can reduce testing costs by up to 80%.

Test Efficiency


Companies that invest in test automation experience 90% improvement in test efficiency

Frequently Asked Questions on Quality Assurance Automation

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions we receive about our Quality Assurance automation service.

Quality Assurance is important because it allows:

  1. Identify and correct software errors efficiently and quickly.
  2. Reduce the risk of software failures in production.
  3. Improve the efficiency and productivity of the software development process.
  4. Ensure software quality and customer satisfaction.

Some of the main benefits of automating Quality Assurance include:

  1. Reducing the time and cost of manual testing.
  2. Identifying and correcting software errors quickly and efficiently.
  3. Improving the efficiency and productivity of the software development process.
  4. Ensuring software quality and customer satisfaction.

At QualitApps, we offer a wide range of Quality Assurance automation services to help companies improve the quality of their software. Some of our services include:

  1. Load and performance testing.
  2. Compatibility testing.
  3. Security testing.
  4. Usability testing.
  5. Functionality testing.

At QualitApps, we focus on quality, innovation and customer satisfaction. By choosing our Quality Assurance automation services, you can expect the following:

  1. Highly trained and experienced team of Quality Assurance Automation experts.
  2. Use of state-of-the-art tools and processes to ensure software quality.
  3. Test-driven development to ensure the quality of the final product.
  4. Focus on customer satisfaction and close collaboration.

Blog of Quality Assurance Automation

If you would like to know more about our services, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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